Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A Journey Through Lent- Day 1 (Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024)


Theme: Listening

Scripture: Proverbs 1:5 New International Version
…let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance…

For years I have said, “I am listening for God’s voice and discerning what God is asking me to do.” And for years I was often in conflict about God’s voice versus the voice of others or my own. It is not that I wasn’t listening for God. Moreso, it was the noise around me that was so incredibly loud and extremely close. Our current context demands our ability to listen and discern. We are constantly bombarded with images, ideas, and noises from everywhere and these things are sometimes in competition with what God is speaking for our lives. It is important to be intentional about listening to God’s voice for direction because it is so easy to conflate our desires and wishes with God’s plan and purpose for our lives. Have you ever prayed for something or someone and then sat in confusion because you were not confident that it was God speaking and not an unconscious desire to get your own way? No? Just me? Ok.  I do admit that sometimes it is difficult to discern God’s voice from my own. I also admit that I have asked God to speak in a voice so distinctive that I would have no doubt that it was God speaking. And sometimes God obliged. The reasoning or guidance would come via a “voice” that confirmed it was truly God. For example, the “Word from God” would come from a trusted friend, a mentor or even scripture. But there was a turning point in my spiritual maturation when I felt challenged from God to listen and know that it was indeed God. It required a level of trust that God heard me. It demanded a level of humility that admitted I needed God’s guidance. And it took discipline to “be still and know.” Hearing is one thing, but listening is another. For me, hearing is an involuntary process. The sounds and vibrations enter the ear and travel to the brain, alerting it to a sound. Listening, on the other hand, is voluntary. It is a conscious act of understanding what was heard and an effort to make meaning of what was said – or in some cases, not said. You can hear and not listen. That is your choice. For me, it is a costly choice, though. I have lived with hard consequences enough to know that it is sometimes to my own peril that I hear and don’t listen. During this Lenten season, I am committing to listening. Although the noises around me are deafening, I am listening for God’s voice to guide, compel, or push me forward. Join me?

God, I am listening. And for the times that I simply seek to hear, compel me to listen. Silence the noise around me or, better yet, grant me discernment so that I can listen amid the noise. Help me to listen to your directions. Keep the distractions at a minimum so that confusion is not my companion on this journey. Help me to know Your voice and to make moves that propel me toward Your path for me. God, for the times when I am not sure of what to say, listen to my heart. Though it sometimes betrays me, pushing me toward decisions and circumstances that don’t align with Your plan for me, my heart desires to do good. It wants to listen and follow Your path. I am listening for Your truth. I am listening for Your guidance. I am listening for You. Selah.

Reflection Question:
Who are you listening to? Who has grabbed your attention, refusing to let go and is it serving God’s purpose for your life? Reflect on how you listen to God. Do you listen with intention to obey? Do you listen with a grateful heart? Do you listen at all?



  1. I sometimes have experienced discernment almost like a magical event. I remember being in a formation group years ago during which we would be praying and planning together weekly in preparation for a renewal retreat ,happening in 6 months. One of the first meetings we waited in prayerful silence for people to discern what role they were to take on for the 6 months and retreat. It was a moving experience watching people apparently being spiritually guided into making a decision. I didn't feel that at the time for myself. I've felt guided at more serendipitous situations, like hearing a sermon that seemed exactly meant for me to hear. Another time a visiting minister called my name when I was going through a very difficult period. The minister had asked if anyone in the congregation was suffering at that time. On an everyday basis I try to keep an open heart and listen.

    1. Thank you for your honest reflection. I can say that it is a process for sure. There are times when I *feel God/Spirit speaking more than *hear God. I also listen for God through other people, words, etc. I think every person can receive in whatever way works best for them. And, I agree, that keeping and open heart is THE most important thing to do when trying to listen for/to God! Blessings as you journey through Lent.

  2. It’s hard to hear God’s voice when there is so much going on around me, but I am getting better at blocking out everything so I can hear him. I hear him best in places and times when I am by myself in a quiet room.

    1. Yes, it can be hard to hear God's voice when all of the other noises are extremely loud and incredibly close *AND I appreciate the effort of seeing your growth. My daily routine of prayer and meditation begin in the early, early mornings (between 3:30a-4:30a). My house is quiet, the world feels still and the calm, lack of movement allows me to feel and experience God in ways that I haven't encountered often in my life. As you continue on the journey of listening to God, please know that you are not alone and that God has called folks to journey this path with you. We are learning together, what it means to trust God....again. Blessings on the path!


A Journey Through Lent - Day 36 (March 23, 2024)

  Theme: The Inexhaustible Love of God Scripture:  Jeremiah 31:3b The Message Version “I’ve never quit loving you and never will.  Expect lo...